Touch Your Sole



For centuries, it has long been believed that the feet and hands contain a series of pressure points known as reflex points. These reflex points are said to mirror different organs, glands and parts of the body, through a system of energy pathways. Therefore, by applying gentle to medium pressure to the reflex points, this can have a positive healing effect on the whole body by helping to clear these vital energy pathways that can become blocked due to the stresses and strains of our daily life and help to bring the body back into balance.
Another theory is that reflexology works with the central nervous system. There are around 7000 nerve endings on each foot, more than any other part of the body. When a skilled reflexologist applies pressure to specific reflex points on the feet, this sends a calming message from the peripheral nerves in these extremities to the central nervous system, which in turn signals the body to release its tension level. This enhances relaxation of the body and brings internal organs and their systems into a state of optimum functioning, and increases blood supply (which brings additional oxygen and nutrients to cells and enhances waste removal). It positively affects the circulatory, respiratory, endocrine and immune systems of the body.

Many of us lead very stressful and hectic lives and sometimes forget to look after and nurture our bodies by keeping them properly fed, well hydrated and happy with a little TLC…
Even though our bodies can be crying for help in the form of dis-ease, fatigue, suppressed immune system, unhealthy or uncomfortable digestive system, bad skin, mood swings to name a few, we are warriors so we soldier on regardless.
Until we feel really ill…
Then we start to listen…
If we just take some time to look after ourselves at the outset, and listen to our bodies a bit more often, we can still lead busy lives and have fun, but things affect us in a different way and we are able to cope with stressful situations in a much more positive and healthier way. Reflexology treats the person as a whole and not just the condition.
So reflexology can help to

Relieve stress and tension
Induce relaxation
Improve sleep
Enhance your sense of wellbeing
Help you to feel happier and more positive
Assist in bringing you back to a state of balance and equilibrium

In other words looking and feeling better with more head space
Plus it feels great too!

During the time I have been practising, I have been fortunate enough to treat children who, quite often, are quite spirited and embrace life with a little more energy than we as parents and carers can consistently manage. I include my own beautiful children in this.
I noticed that during and after treatment they appeared much calmer, relaxed and more focused, some even fell asleep and I have had to let myself out on more than one occasion when the whole family, including the family dog were sleeping peacefully!
I found that where I treated the parent/carer and child consecutively, in many cases, this helped to reinforce the bond between parent/carer and child and made for a calmer, gentler and happier more relaxed home environment.


All you need to do is take your shoes and socks off, sit back and enjoy the treatment.
On your first visit we will have a confidential consultation so that I can learn a little bit about you. This will include your work and home life, what you like to do to have fun, what you like to eat and drink, your medical history and whether or not you have any current health issues. This just helps me to build up a picture of you so that I can help you by tailoring the treatment to your specific needs.